Airspeed device updated hardware - Nov 2022
Early in 2022 Seeed Studio released their Xiao BLE module. This nice little device once again has our friend; the nRF82540 chip. It also has: a built-in LiPo charger via the USB-C connector & battery monitoring. This all in a module half the length of a Adafruit ItsyBitsy.
Also mid-2022 the Sensirion modules became available again (supply affected by covid) and I wanted to try the higher differential pressure sensor: SDP31 (500Pa).
And finally, I wanted to put a temperature/humidity sensor in the airstream that was flowing around the device.
Here is the 3D printed model I came up with this time:
This time the temp/hum sensor is in the nose of the device and has ducts directing air (from the airstream) over the sensor element.Here is the Xiao BLE module with a little piezo audio beeper piggy-backed onto it. I added the piezo buzzer to provide startup notification and battery charge beeps.
And here is completed device:
The two holes under the nose are air ducts for the AHT temperature/humidity sensor.
Finally, here is the schematic: